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I am interested in the co-evolution of humans and machines, imagining solutions for alternative futures and sharing my approach to creative technologies.
I build robots and other machines for shows in performances, galleries and festivals.
I also create temporary factories and other events where people can join in making, thinking, and playing.
The site presents works realised since 1990.

Contact: paul@zprod.org

z logo

••• This site has been frozen on 18th January 2013.

Information on all work made after this date is available


Links to older work are accessible from this page.

This old site will remain frozen as is until electricity runs out.

-------- webmaster PG over and out ---------


••• EBEMU (Experimental Body Extensions Manufacturing Unit): check the results of 3 weeks of manufacturing with local volunteers demonstrated in October 2012 during the I Wanna Dance with Somebody weekend, Campbelltown Arts Centre, New South Wales, Australia.

•• Video of my presentation for the "10 Things I Learned" Design Wales conference, Cardiff March 2012.

Some of my activities in 2013-14 are funded by a Creative Wales Award acw
Paul Granjon 2013