Robotic Ears and Tail
Wearable animatronics devices aimed at reminding the user that they are an animal.
Robotic Ears
Head-mounted round fluffy ears that can swivel electrically.
They come with a control panel enabling the user to acces the different functions:
• Manual control of the right and left ears.
• Reset, places the ears back to central position.
• Auto, the ears move at random intervals without human control.
Version 2 (travel version) is controlled by an Android app.
Robotic tail
Dog tail-inspired wearable electro-mechanical device with two degrees of freedom: up-down motion and wag.
The original version of the Robotic Tail is fitted with an on-board video camera.
The Robotic Ears and Robotic Tail are used together during the live performance of the Animal Song
Filmed in Monsonturm Franfurt, Blue Thing Club Melbourne, Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff