Visit to Access Space Sheffield
I visited Access Space in Sheffield, where I enjoyed a two days crash training in using the command line and shell scripts in Linux. Initiated by James Wallbank and the Redundant Technology Initiative group in 2000, Access Space is arguably the first open source/community computing creative technology labs in the UK. The space is open several days per week, with two main areas: the Media Lab where visitors can access a Linux workstation for web access, design, programming, etc. A code-protected door opens on the Refab Space which hosts the digital fabrication machines (laser cutter, CNC router, several rep rap 3D printers), a lot of recycled computing gear and several solid workbenches.
During my stay I saw lots of activity in both areas, including a Sheffield Hardware Hackers meeting (every monday 6pm), and the laser cutter was pretty much always busy.
- The Refab Space
- Rep Raps 3D printers in Refab Space
- James Wallbank
James is a great host, busy with many projects including his latest business adventure Infinite Crypt. He is always keen to share on topics of technological accessibility, community development and techno-social trends. I recorded an audio interview where he gives us his insight on Access Space and thoughts on the opportunities offered by digital fabrication technologies.
Interview with James Wallbank in Access Space Sheffield, 26th February 2014
- Crash course in !# linux shell
- Workbench in Refab Space
- Redundant Technology bin
- Infinite Crypt modules
- Raspberry Pi powered ascii laser temperature monitor
- Infinite Crypt laser cutters
- Laser cut rejects
- One of Sheffield’s numerous disused manufacturing unit
- Another disused manufacturing unit