We are ducked


Just finished making and editing We Are Ducked, new work for the the Matterrealities exhibition in Cardiff School of Art and Design opens on Thursday 3rd March.


We Are Ducked is a response to eco-anxiety, a feeling of distress caused by uncertainty about the future of the planet and its ecosystems that can cause depression and hopelessness. With its humorous appearance and tongue in cheek pun that scrolls when the viewer activates a hand dynamo, the small electronic and wood sculpture We Are Ducked celebrates the joy of making and joking in the face of environmental adversity.



The companion video also titled We Are Ducked is a more open-ended contemplation shot on a beach by an industrial estate in Barry Wales. The bleak landscape is a backdrop for words spoken by machines, an attempt to synthesize complex existential and ecological parameters for life in 2022 and beyond.


The exhibition is part of the EASTN-DC European research project in digital creativity.

On est touffus

On est touffus
Boxwood, Oak, electronics, artificial hair

When the hand dynamo is activated, the carved skull displays a scrolling text in French that says:
Translates as
Red ominous eyes then glow


In the Soyouz 4-21 exhibition @galerieoliviermeyer Nantes France

Opens 4-12-2021 15:30, until 18-12




On est foutus benefited from funding from the EASTN-DC European Research project at Cardiff School of Art and Design

Read more

Pony Express

A pretty radical take on environmentally friendly art from the Pony Express collective.
Their Epoch Wars is an attempt to challenge and re-invent the notion of Anthropocene, just in time when Symbiocene is making a comeback.



Check also their Ecosexual Bathhouse project, pushing the love of nature to sensual heights!


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===> 2021


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